Security Overview

Security Overview

Online Data Security is a Very Important concern to anyone using the internet. As when data is being transmitted over the internet or cloud as data theft and hacking can occur.

Banks & Financial institutions are EXTRA Cautious for ONLINE BANKING transactions. To ensure safety they conduct transactions only using https:// and port 443. By using these 2 methods all Transmitted Data will be encrypted and CANNOT BE HACKED **. :-

You can verify the Security Certificates of the banks you use by yourselves. Open an Internet Explorer browser and put any of the below links in it :

Next to the name there will be a lock icon. Click on it and then View Certificates . Here Click on the link Details and check the Items that are marked in next slides.

What is seen, are the full details of the Security Parameters of these sites. We have added these certificates for reference by marking these Parameters.

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Now compare these certificate parameters with that of the Printabz Secure Print Device Monitoring Solution

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On comparing the certificate parameters you can observer that Printabz Secure Print Device Monitoring Solution uses stronger encryption than that of the Banks as evidenced by the 256RSA.

Banks utilize and store all your Sensitive Data for during Financial Transactions. People and Companies readily use them due to the included Security Parameters.

Printabz - that is designed Primarily to help IT & Purchase Administrators resolve Printer Issues Faster, uses a higher level of Security Encryption. All that it tracks and transmits to the secure cloud is :-

Printabz functions as the single point of contact for your end users. It can receive and record all service requests, as well as communicate updates.

For Further Details, Do write to us at